Europe–Far East Gallery
The Europe–Far East Gallery was conceived as a space for dialogue, fostering openness to the multiplicity and diversity of Asian cultures, and the furtherance of the ties between Europe and Asia in all of their complexity.
The gallery offers visitors a range of displays of traditional and modern art from Asian countries, as well as exhibitions illustrating the artistic dialogue, the mutual inspirations and influences between Europe and Asia. The exhibitions are enhanced by educational events: lectures, readings, demonstrations and workshops, at both popular and specialist levels. The educational offering, which aims to familiarize the public with the broadly-defined culture of Far Eastern countries, involves the use of new technologies.
The project called Construction and Launch of the Europe–Far East Gallery at the Manggha Museum in Krakow is part-funded by the European Union as part of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme for the years 2007–2013 (POIiŚ), Priority XI ‘Culture and cultural heritage’, Action 11.2.
Visit our website dedicated to this project:
The gallery offers visitors a range of displays of traditional and modern art from Asian countries, as well as exhibitions illustrating the artistic dialogue, the mutual inspirations and influences between Europe and Asia. The exhibitions are enhanced by educational events: lectures, readings, demonstrations and workshops, at both popular and specialist levels. The educational offering, which aims to familiarize the public with the broadly-defined culture of Far Eastern countries, involves the use of new technologies.
The project called Construction and Launch of the Europe–Far East Gallery at the Manggha Museum in Krakow is part-funded by the European Union as part of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme for the years 2007–2013 (POIiŚ), Priority XI ‘Culture and cultural heritage’, Action 11.2.
Visit our website dedicated to this project: