Ichigo Ichie. Entering the way of tea

Ichigo Ichie. Entering the way of tea

Author: Aleksandra Görlich
ISBN: 978-83-926484-4-4
Pages: 120
Format: 235 x 165 mm
Language: polish
Published: 2008
42,00 PLN Unavailable
The books is an introduction to chanoyu-related issues and the customs involved in the tea ceremony. The reader will find a brief history of the tradition of drinking the green beverage and profusely illustrated descriptions of a tea gathering, the garments and implements used, and also the rudiments of the tea etiquette. The publication will be attractive to both those wishing to start studying chanoyu and those hoping to gain advancement in this art. The description of the ritual involved in the tea ceremony as well as the implements and expressions used in it is complemented by a glossary of terms. The book is written by Aleksandra Görlich, a student of Tea Mistress Yamaguchi Etsuko Sōetsu and a member of the Krakow branch of Senshin Chadō Urasenke Tankōkai.
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