About the void

About the void

Author: Grażyna Brylewska, Bogna Dziechciaruk-Maj, Rafał Solewski
ISBN: 978-83-62096-10-7
Pages: 36
Format: 200 x 220 mm
Language: polish and english
Published: 2010
10,00 PLN 5,00 PLN Add to cart
Catalogue of a theme exhibition prepared by Grażyna Brylewska (b.1950), a contemporary artist based in Krakow, specialising in artistic textiles, but also experimenting with various other materials and techniques. In her work, Brylewska references the concept of void or emptiness in Buddhist Zen philosophy.

‘In Japanese aesthetics, the Zen philosophy involves the idea of controlled simplicity, scant use of means of expression, the “truth of the material” (the natural quality of raw wood, stone, sand), a fondness for subdued colours and the natural hues of earth. And also: the transience and the sense of the fragility of things, treated as the essential component of beauty. This type of emptiness, conveyed through artistic expression, is much easier for us to recognise and accept, partly thanks to our acquaintance with modern art. We are actually dealing with a sort of feedback here: Japanese art, which had a major influence on the development of modern art in Europe, is today largely perceived through our experience of Western modern art, which has prepared us to become familiar with the distant world of Japanese aesthetic values’
Bogna Dziechciaruk-Maj
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